Friday, 8 April 2011

Question 7: Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progession from it to the full product?

Throughout the process of both the preliminary taske and the full product I have learnt many different things, from the theory side to the practical.
Throughout the preliminary taske I only just knew the basics of how InDesign and Photoshop worked and how to use the tools involed, but this was a good learning process for me as it helped me to develop a much more professional final product.
The use of colour to connect to a certain readership and how to position images and text in the correct places, such as using the thirds and in ways which the readers can  see positive connotations.
Understanding the audience was also a challenge for me for both my music magazine and the preliminary task, as many of them have different needs and interests. After the Preliminary task I was able to have a better understanding of how to connect to a specific target audience or niche audience, and this is shown in my final product as I have included information and images to only the audience between 15 to 18 and who have a general interest in music.
In comparison to my college magazine which was only produced for college students of all ages and many different interest, I had to be more specific to create a music magazine

My Preliminary task was carried out at the beginning of the academic year, where I have had no previous knowledge on Indesign or Photoshop, so learning the basics and how to use them was essiential to ensure that my music magazine had the features used to the best of my ability.

From these two images you can see how through development, I was able to take an appropiate image leaving space for coverlines and additional imagery whilst also knowning what will appeal to my target audience and what wouldn't.
I started off by playing with the tools and features on photoshop and InDesign to produce a green background shading into white and it being shaded around the person on the front cover.
From this I was able to understand my audience fully and that bright colours will not attract them, so by being more mature and professional I was able to leave the background the same to connect to my target audience.
The text that I used on the Preliminary task was also a leaning curve for me as I understood puns and how they could be used with significase to my magazine, in this case I used "EMA Scandal! Cheque your bank accout!" Using this the reader can relate to it whilst also understanding the pun which presents positive connotations and makes them want to read on.

The use of Photoshop also was a learning experience whilst coming to grip with the basics of the programme I was able to produce an image in the left third of a photo which I took but constructed into a circle, this also presents professionalism.
InDesign was also in in working progress with photoshop as I tried to understand and develop my learning to create the structure of a magazine and to ensure all the vital information has room to be shown aroud it.

The theory side to the preliminary task helped me to understand text in relation to my target audience, in this case it was college students.
I had to understand such terminology as 'colloquialism' which means words which we associate with talking for example - wotcha.
Alliteration - The initial consonant is repeated for example, seven silly sailors, by ensuring I know how to use these linguistic tools I feel I can produce a professional magazine and be able to use this in my final music magazine. 

This is my final magazine, which is a definate improvement from my previous preliminary taske, the reasong for this is cause I included all the tools I learny through previous programmes and theory terms and I also gained knowledge on magazine production and how to ensure it can be seen to be a top quality like others out in the market. Understanding connotations and denotations is also important so my audience are able to get the right feelings and emotions from the magazine.
By creating the correct connotations and images/text I have also included psychographic profiling, by understanding my audience I am able to connect to their specific needs, emotions and desires.
A way in which I showed connotation and denotation is how I included this on 'Bloodstock poster special' on the word blood I actually made it dripping in blood, the audience will be able to notice this and relate to it.
By doing this I have created ideologies/personalities for my magazine that mirror my target consumer.

Throughout development I was also able to create Puffs/plugs and a main coverline, all these additions which I did not include in my preliminary task.
I was also able to understand my specific target audience better throughout research and also questionning people who come under 'my audience'.
By doing this I am able to discover first hand what they will like to see in an audience and what their interests and music tastes are, also another development I made from the previous preliminary task.

I used photoshop a lot during my period of creating my music magazine and I have come across ups and downs of using this -

I started developing my music magazine from the basis of this picture, and I had to ensure the correct background colour correctly.
I started off with using a 'colour tool' which I learnt during my time working with photoshop with the preliminary task, and I come across different colours and blending techniques.
I felt that the first choice of background (left) was inappropiate for a music magazine with a target audience of 15 -18, as they will expect bright colours in relation to connotations of their music genre.
The image on the right is what I decided was most appropiate for my magazine, the reason for this is because it is not too childish with just one plain primary colour background and it is not too dull and mature like the image on the left.
I felt that using this colour which is the original colour but with the use of posters being removed on photoshop was beneficial as it creates the perfect balance between 'mature and childish'.
Perfect for my target audience of 15 to 18.
Developing my music magazine I also took the appropiate image with the symbol in the main shot and the drummer in the background, also creating a positive feel to the magazine.

I feel that using the tools correctly I have developed a more professional and not so childish image.
This is due to understanding what my target audience expect and the ways to use the features on Photoshop.
Not just by adding one olour for the background, I have thought carefully about the audience and how to present a magazine professionally and I have edited the pictures 'original features' but removing all posters a part from one to increase the ecological validity of the image to the audience.

I have also gained knowledge through the theory side, throughout the creation of this magazine I have also gained knowledge on what the audience like, textual skills needed and how to ensure a image can be used efficiently. This all links to the theory side of creating a magazine, with the front cover essentials need to connect to a specific audience and the way to use these features to get the best out of your magazine and to connect to the target audience.
I have learnt all these features, with the knowledge from other members in association with an audience of 15 -18 such as Kerrang, NME and also members who are in the category.
This was all learnt through demographic profiling, about the age, religon, class and other aspects defining an audience.
Kerrang was a important part of my production of my magazine, as I used alot of there conventions and structures of a magazine.
Kerrang magazine exmaple -   this shows how Kerrang base there magazine and how the structure and close up show of a musician was used also on my to connect to my audiences' ideologies and interests of music.

I feel that I have used my time well and that I have also followed the conventions of magazines in a way which has benefited my magazine as a music magazine.
I feel I have connect to my niche audiemce, with the help of developing my knowledge of photoshop and also InDesign.
The improvements shown from my preliminary magazine to my final music magazine has proven that the skills and knowledge has developed, and from this I have been able to create a modern and professional magazine which will be in interest of those who are connect to my music magazine.

Question 6: What have yo learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Questions 4/5: Who would be the audience for your media product? - How did you attract/address your audience?

The audience for my media product is specifically chosen to help develop my text, imagery and structure of my magazine to a way which will attract them most.
The target audience of my magazine is males from the ages of 15 to 18. Using an age group like this, I am able to carry out questionnaires to schools and colleges to fully understand what they will like to see in a magazine.
Also by understanding how this generation of people view music and activies they do that go with them is also important to ensure they purchase this magazine.
I started looking through people of this age group and talking to them to decipher whether they will purchase a magazine and if so, what they would expect to see in it. By doing this I have gathered detailed information on my target audience and am able to produce a high quality magazine in which they will purchase and publically spread through word of mouth.
Below are some of the people, from this age group who I spoke to to gather important information from -
 This is Timothy Green, he is interested in music such as 'A Day To Remember' and 'Bring Me The Horizon' such bands like these publicise there music and merchandise in a very specific way to there target audience, With black clothing and dark/deathly lyrics to there songs.
If you click this link you are able to see 'Bring me the horizon's clothing range called 'DropDead' which has been developed in a very spcific way to connect to their target audience. Bring me the Horizon
As Tim plays the guitar he has told me he would like to see more guitar and amp reviews. I have included this on my magazine with a chance to win a guitat shown on my contents page.

                                                       This is James Palmer, ignore the face he is pulling.
Throughout talking to him, he has told me he enjoys music such as 'Nrivana' and 'Avenged Sevenfold' and has infact purchased 'Kurt Cobains Journal'. So he also too purchases merchandise from the bands which he likes.
Throughout talking with James Palmer he told me that "He would like to see more interviews with signed bands"
This shows he has an interest for bands full portfolio and would like more information on what they are doing outisde of the music industry, I have also incorporated this into my magazine with a double page spread of an interview and ensured that the information shown on the interview was not just of his music life.

 This is Jack Lippett, with a music taste different to the other interviewees tastes, not so heavy or screamo. He classes the music which he likes as 'Indie', music like this will come under bands like: Mumford and Sons, The Kooks and The Strokes.
So from the information from Jack, I have also taken into accout that also connecting with my target audiences main music tastes, I have to also include variety as no one likes the same thing.

I spoke to these set of girls as a group, (Becky, Kate and Lauren) They share music tastes and all agree on what they would like to see in a music magazine.
They all came to an agreement that the music taste which they like are both Dubstep and Rock, also a variety again.
As I have to keep to a musical Genre and not lose my target audience, I will not be able to include all these genres of music. I have taken there 'Rock' choice into account and from here will be able to connect to the additional female side of my audience. 

This is Thomas Morris, again, ignore the facial expression.
Tom told me that he is into the "heavier sorts" of music and is currently waiting to purcahse the new 'Asking Alexandria' album. Link shown here to view this band and to see his musical taste - Asking Alexandria
Ensuring I include new album and other forms of merchandise is also important for my audience to get involved with my magazine and purchase items through my magazine.

This is Luke Keen, Who is interested into music same as previous people such as Tim, Tom and James. His favourite bands are 'We Are The Ocean' and 'The Calling'.
Luke also made clear to me that he is interested in Reading Festival, so also including gigs, tours and festivals will be vital to ensure I audience are able to get updates from bands which they will like through my magazine.
To view Reading festival line up to see the vast variety of bands, which I will also have to include in my magazine, click here.

From gathering my information from males of the age of my target audience - 15 to 18 - and who are interested in the music which my magazine will hold I have also got information on what they do in their spare time. This is also important information.
  • They enjoy shopping, this could be used from purchasing items from my magazine adverts.
  • Also Sports, such as football and skateboarding, including other topics in my magazine will be beneficial.
  • Going to gigs and festivals, This will also have to be included in a music magazine.
  • Drinking and parties was also mentioned, this will be difficult to advertise due to my yougn target audience, but showing parties and fun could create a positive feel.
  • Also some participate in musical activites, so including information on instruments or advertising them will also attract my target audience.

As you can see, on my contents page I have ensured enough room for advertisements, I have taken into account my audiences wishes and addressed them by applying a 'guitar' from a 'signed band'.
I have also included 'With RSS!' this is so the audience know that they can get items like this through my magazine and this may encourage them to purchase it again.

After fully understanding my target audience I have been able to incorporate this in relation to my text, imagery, structure and colour.
The title of my magazine has been designed to attract the style and age of me target audience, this is so as they see my magazine in shops, it will attract them as a aesthetically pleasing colour and style.

Here you can see I have designed my title in a way which will be recognisable and also attractive to my target audience.
In relation to James in my interviews, I have also included interviews and information shown on other bands and other stuff they are doing away from music - 'The Clash in a movie?'

Monday, 4 April 2011

Question 3: What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

My magazine 'Ready Set Stage' is a magazine associated with music and a genre which is specific to a niche audience, this audience are people who enjoy heavy music and are around the ages of 15 to 18.
So ensuring I have a media institution which has relevant expertise and good credibility in this area is vital.

I have been following some conventions of Kerrang, who are being distributed by Bauer Consumer Media who are one of the biggest distributors out there. With their good credibility with this type of magazine, I feel working with them will be essential for a successful magazine.
There is no gap in Bauers portfolio but I feel that there isn't a better compant who will have relevant expertise or audience attraction which Bauer provides.

Bauer Media owns more than eighty media brands spanning a wide range of interests, including heat, GRAZIA, Closer, MCN, FHM, Parker's, MATCH, Magic 105.4, Kiss 100, Kerrang!, Q and the Big City Network, our group of twenty local radio stations.
Click this link to see the vast ammount of brands which Bauer distribute - Bauer brands
Broadening their distributions and connections with audiences they also invest in, Radio, Television, mobile and online.

As I have also incuded a radio station advertisement on my contents page is the bottom left hand corner, Using Bauer would benefit this as they also distribute in this area.

As my product creates a more childish feel to it, with the imagery and the texual langueage/imagery used I feel it will attract a different audience group to Bauers other magazines.
Other magazines like, Kerrang, Q and FHM are very mature and targeted towards an older age group, so as Bauer distribute my magazine, they will be keeping with the same genre as there other music magazine example 'Kerrang' but also connecting to a whole new age group.

Ensuring they can publicise there company whilst distributing my magazine, I will advertise there company logo name on my website and magazine.
Kerrang have also done this, so by following this convention which Kerrang also show, I will have mimicked there website feature to help develop mine.
Click this link and then scroll to the bottom of the page to see how Kerrang have advertised Bauer on there website. Bauer advertisement

Friday, 1 April 2011

Question 1: In what ways does your product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Throughout production of my magazine, I have ensured it will portray a professional and modern magazine structure. The ways I tried to achieve this is by getting inspiration from other magazine in production which follow my genre of music and share them same readership.
Magazines which do this are; Kerrang and NME. These magazines was where I got most of my inspiration.

Kerrang is one of the biggest music magazines in the music magazine industry, so following there conventions I will have ensured that my magazine will get the target audiences' attention as it follows what they like to read.
As you can see from the right image of a Kerrang magazine it is mainly full of imagery, the text used is minimal. By following this convention of the magazine it will attract the reader as they may tend to get attracted more by pictures then text.
Kerrang are established enough as a music magazine they are able to use large images which may even cover up there title, people will be able to still understand the title due to their popularity.

NME have a more professional and mature style to there magazine, by using some of there convention I have also been able to make my magazine look professional and with the relevant information.
This will also broaden the readership to audiences' who enjoy learning or reading new information on bands, tours and recent news and information.
By developing my magazine to ensure I have used both the conventions to give me a wide spread of audience. Using the imagery conventions from Kerrang and the textual and structure of it from Kerrang I will be able to 'get the best of both worlds' to ensure my magazine is professional and fun for the readers.

Both of these magazine portray young people and people associated with this type of music in a positive
way. This goes against the dominant ideology and stereotypical views of young people, and shows them in a positive way. So by following this from these magazines I will have shown positive connotations and connected to the target audience in a positive way as Kerrang and NME do, ensuring the audience are able to relate to my magazine. 

By using the mature and textual influences from NME and the image usage from Kerrang, I have developed and joined these magazine conventions together to create a new and professional look for my magazine. From this I will be able to connect to the target audience after using these good connotations.

The contents page has also changed since my flat plan, this is also to ensure that it corresponds to the magazines theme and so it is modern and to attract my target audience.
The photos are not separated from side to side from the left thirds. instead the images are in both in left third and centre third. Reason for this is so it doe snot confuse the target readership and so the right third contains selling points and additional information. 
These changes have benefited me as now I have included information which is shown on other popular and high quality magazines.